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Attendance, Reporting Absence & School Timings

For children and young people to reach their full potential it is vital that they attend and be on time every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

Any absence that affects the pattern of a child or young person’s schooling could seriously affect their learning as well as routines and friendships.

The school day finishes at 3:15pm for Year R - 2 and 3:20pm for Years 3 - 6.


If a child is absent from school due to illness, families must contact school by 9am on each day of absence. 

Please contact us via the Studybugs app or click on the REPORT ABSENCE ON STUDYBUGS banner at the top of this webpage.

Families are reminded that children’s visits to medical appointments should be booked outside of school hours. Where this is unavoidable, please provide medical evidence. This can include a text message, hospital letter or appointment card.

Where there are absences of more than three days or regular absence due to illness, families may be asked to provide supporting medical evidence. Absence from school without an adequate reason may be marked as unauthorised which could lead to the school requesting a Penalty Notice from the Local Authority.


Please contact the school office for an absence request form.

The request should be submitted as soon as it is anticipated; and wherever possible, at least three weeks before the absence. Although such absence may be unauthorised, it is better that we know your child is safe, rather than missing. Please be aware that you may be required to provide us with additional evidence in order to support your request including flight booking confirmation.

Leave of absence will not be authorised in retrospect.


It is against the law in the UK for anyone to carry out FGM on women or children and/or to take girls or women who live in the UK to a different country to carry out FGM. It is also against the law to help someone else carry out FGM, this includes making travel arrangements. 

As a parent or guardian you are responsible for protecting your children from FGM and it is important to understand what the law means and what will happen if you fail to protect your daughter from FGM.

In the UK teachers, health professionals and the border police are all working to ensure that girls are not put at risk of FGM.

We may hold conversations with families about absence from school and possible links to FGM. 

If we have any concerns about possible safeguarding risks such as risk of Female Genital Mutilation or Forced Marriage we will follow the necessary protocols. (Please see our school’s Safeguarding Policy for more information.)  



Please see our policy webpage to read our Attendance Policy.