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Flax Bourton Church of England Primary School

Reception & Year 6 Buddies

One of many great features of our school is the partnerships that are formed through our Reception and Year 6 buddy programme.

Each child in Reception is buddied with a child in Year 6. Careful consideration is made when forming these partnerships that can include commonality in where they live, attendance at breakfast club, interests and hobbies and character. It really does help our youngest children to settle effectively into life at Flax.

Some of their partnership includes:

  • reading together
  • playing together at lunchtimes
  • Year 6 supporting Reception's beginners service at Church
  • Year 6 supporting Reception's 'My first Christmas' play
  • Year 6 supporting Reception's first sports day 

Beyond this, many of our Year 6 children are there to greet their Reception buddy in the mornings or build supportive friendships outside of school. 


One parent of a child in Reception, recently emailed in to school to feedback just how pleased they were of their daughter's buddy in showing care and encouragement on the way home from school.

I was beyond impressed with her approach and sensitivity. She was beyond helpful and I would really like this feedback and my thanks to get  back to her. She went above and beyond the call of the buddy system.